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Our brands quality at a great price

Explore our material and product lines.

Our products are affordable quality

There is a large variety of materials on the market under different brand names. Some are very expensive and high quality, some are cheap and low quality.

You can read more about the quality of materials and what influences it in our expert articles.

We carefully check quality of materials

Quality at a value price

We keep products in stock

Combining our own materials and services

We offer our partners comprehensive support, including solutions for the most demanding applications.

We know the characteristic values of all our materials and lubricants. We provide solution designs, tightening torque calculations, controlled flange tightening by our own service team.


Material range of graphite products


Material range of Teflon products


Material range of thermal insulation products


Material range of cork products


Lubricants product line


Product line of flat seals


Product line of seals for dynamic applications


The product line of sealing cords

Are you ready to put your seal selection worries behind you? Contact us

and get valuable advice and information on industrial seals

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Pokorny Industries Partnership in quality

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