Controlled tightening

Controlled tightening

As part of the Flange Management Division's Complete Flange Joint Tightening Solution, we have our own Torque Service Group made up of experienced technicians and installers with many years of experience in performing gasket installation and flange joint tightening on both pressure and non-pressure equipment.

Our people have qualified personnel to assemble bolted joints in pressure equipment in critical applications according to CSN EN 1591-4 and other necessary training and qualifications for professional work.

TORQUE SERVICE Group has several special assembly vehicles

The vehicles are equipped with, for example, peak hydraulic and pneumatic Hytorc tensioning machines of various sizes and capacities. To solve problems with non-aligned flange joints, they have equalizer hydraulic equipment designed to ensure alignment, opening or pulling of flanges.

The professionalism and experience of our Torque service group is a guarantee of quality installation in the form of the resulting tightness of your flange connections, evidenced by a tightening certificate.

Controlled tightening obrázek Controlled tightening obrázek Controlled tightening obrázek Controlled tightening obrázek

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