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Live Loading - Flange Connections

Plate springs are an effective solution to flange joint leaks caused by insufficient bolt preload, where there is a drop in specific pressure on the seal and therefore possible leaks.

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Product description

Plate springs - Live Loading are an effective solution to flange leaks caused by insufficient bolt preload, where the specific pressure on the seal drops and therefore leaks are possible.

  • Insufficient bolt preload is the cause of 50-80% of flange leaks!

Due to rapid and significant changes in operating temperatures, the tension in the bolts can increase and subsequently decrease, i.e. increase and decrease the specific pressure on the seal. These sudden changes in pressure can result in additional deformation of the seal, which is no longer optimally compressed once the temperatures have stabilized and leaks can occur.

  • Plate springs are an effective solution as they are capable of increasing the elasticity of the bolted joint.

Properly designed disc springs are capable of increasing the elasticity of a bolted joint 7-15 times! Experience from refineries and petrochemical plants confirms that the use of disc springs on critical joints has proven to increase their tightness.

Flanges suitable for the use of disc springs

  1. Critical flange joints where media leakage can cause an accident.
  2. Flanged joints with large temperature changes.
  3. Expected relaxation of bolts or flange joint seals under operating conditions.
  4. Repeated leakage problems.
  5. Loosening of bolts by vibration.

Pokorný coils and supplies disc spring kits for critical flange connections.

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