Solving problematic connections

Solving problematic connections

On the basis of the technological and technical documents you have provided, we propose the most suitable solution for flange connections where the tightness of the flange fails.

Tightening torque calculations with proof of tightness according to EN 1591-1

Experienced experts from Flange Management Division work with certified software to calculate tightening torques. They suggest the optimal tightness solution for your flange connections. The subsequent controlled tightening is carried out by our trained fitters (trained to EN 1591-4) from the Torque Service group.

Sealing experience

Thanks to more than 25 years of development, seal manufacturing and close cooperation with experts, we have detailed information about seal materials. We capitalize on many years of experience and practice to manufacture and supply gaskets from materials with the best properties and appropriate tightness class for the flange joint.

We also develop our own types of seals - for example POWERgasket for non-parallel surfaces, which is protected by an industrial design. We cooperate with experts from universities and with experts in seal testing. We offer cooperation to design and construction offices.

Are you ready to put your seal selection worries behind you? Contact us

and get valuable advice and information on industrial seals

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